Past Post-Docs

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Thomas Ede (2021-2022) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on painful procedures in dairy calves and pain control

Benjamin Lecorps (2021) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focuses on the effect of routine farm procedures on dairy cattle affective states (emotions).

Laura Solano (2021 – ongoing) – Supervised by Weary. Research focused on lameness in dairy cattle.

Borbala Foris (2019-ongoing) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focuses on the automatic detection of feeding and drinking-related agonistic behaviour and dominance in dairy cows and competition strategies of metric and healthy transition cows

Katelyn Mills (2021) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focuses on using realistic evaluation to understand how interventions work on dairy farms

Yanne Stokov (2020) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on a systematic review of castration in cattle

Julia Lomb (2019-2020; 2021-ongoing) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on behavioural changes associated with fever in transition dairy cows

Caroline Ritter (2018-2020) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on dairy cattle housing, the complex relationship between welfare and reproduction in cattle, public attitudes towards genetic modification in dairy cattle, and the perspectives of western Canadian dairy farmers on the future of farming

Lucia Amendola (2019) – Supervised by Weary. Research focused on the welfare of laboratory rats and mice

Annabelle Beaver (2018-2019) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on the behavioural responses to cow-calf separation and the effect of nutritional dependence

Jesse Robbins (2017-2018) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on societal unease with modern agriculture production and the case of animal welfare, public perceptions of lab animal research, public attitudes towards heat stress and outdoor access for dairy cows

Jennifer Van Os (2017) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on sampling strategies for assessing lameness, injuries, and body condition score on dairy farms

Joao Costa (2015-2017) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk, Weary and Hotzel. Research focused on the effects of the degree and timing of social housing on reversal learning and response to novel objects in dairy calves, early pair housing increases solid feed intake and weight gains in dairy calves, dairy heifers benefit from the presence of an experienced companion when learning how to graze, and the effect of milk 

Becca Franks (2013-2016) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on the welfare of laboratory fish

Rebecca Meagher (2012-2016) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on the effects of social housing on dairy calves

Elisabeth Ormandy (2013-2014) – Supervised by Weary. Research focused on public attitudes toward the use of animals in research

Julie Huzzey (2011-2014) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on transition cow health

Mohammad Khan (2008-2014) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on the effects of hay intake on calves fed high volumes of milk, feed quality, transitioning from milk to solid feed in dairy heifers, and the addition of straw to the early-lactation diet (Alumni Profile)

Nuria Chapinal (2007-2013) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on monitoring individual feeding and drinking behaviour, gait score, walking speed, lying behaviour, access to pasture, milk yield, feed intake, housing, behaviour and lameness in dairy cows

Paulina Jawar (DEKABAN) (2010) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on effects of mastitis on cow behaviour

Evgenij Telezhenko (2009-2010) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on lameness in dairy cows

Jose Fregonesi (2006-2007) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on effects of overstocking on dairy cows

Richard Kirkden (2004-2006) – Supervised by Weary. Research focused on rats’ aversion to carbon dioxide as a method of euthanasia

Raymond Anthony (visiting graduate student 2001-2003 / 2005) supervised by Drs. Fraser and Weary. Research focused on ethical philosophies and their application to human-animal relationships in agriculture and bioethical analysis of food systems.

Roger Mueller (2004-2005) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on personality in beef cattle

R. Ledger (2002-2005) – Supervised by D. Fraser. Research focused on the management of inter-dog aggression by animal shelters in Canada

Omar Mendo (2004) – Supervised by von Keyserlingk and Weary. Research focused on lameness in dairy cattle

Cassandra Tucker (2003-2004) – Supervised by Weary. Research focused on the effects of stall design on dairy cattle behaviour and the science of cow comfort

Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho (2002-2003) – Supervised by Weary and von Keyserlingk. Research focused on designing better water troughs to accommodate dairy cow preference to drink more from larger troughs

Emily Paterson-Kane (2000-2002) – Supervised by Fraser and Weary. Self-directed research investigating cage and contents design for rats in the laboratory with an emphasis on exploring novel methods for assessing preference

Steve Appleyard (2001) – Supervised by Weary, Beauchemin and Shelford. Research focused on Feeding behaviour in cattle

Cathy Schuppli (2000) – Supervised by D. Fraser. Research focused on developing a framework for assessing the suitability of different species as companion animals, in addition to analyzing the ethics and governance of animal research